Friday, April 19, 2013

Don't Tell Me Not to Speculate

After the Boston Marathon bombings news commentators' mantra was, "We can't speculate," about who's responsible.  This pussy footing around the facts makes me sick.  I said at the time the culprit is most likely Middle Eastern and definitely Islamic.  Who else does this sort of thing?  Want to be politically correct; not here, go someplace else to get your feel good measures.  So for three days we hear how we don't know who did the bombings.  We don't know if the bombers were foreign or domestic.  How the Muslims must be feeling bad because we automatically blame them.  How we shouldn't do that because there are good Muslims out there too.  On and on about how we can't place blame because we don't know.  

I'm a conservative at heart but I do think American needs to change their emigration laws.  They need to make it easier for people who want to come here to work to do so.  I hear on talk radio how we need to strengthen our boarders.  They resent the Hispanic population that illegally cross the boarder.  How their great great great great grandparents came legally and these people need to do the same.  Their great grandparents didn't have to wait two lifetimes to get the chance; all they had to do was buy a ticket, show up, and prove or claim they had twenty-five dollars.  

This morning I wake up to the news they've killed one of the bombers and the other is on the loose.  They aren't Middle Eastern but Eastern European.  They are jihad, Islamic, just like I thought from the beginning.  And to my conservative friends, these boys were here LEGALLY for a year. 

Call it profiling if you'd like but certain groups are more likely to commit one type of crime over another.  Involve bombs, public places and random people, you've got Muslims.  Get a bomber out of profile and look at his influences and you'll find he fits the profile after all.  

Earlier a newscaster was saying the bomber who's still alive may have a safe haven somewhere.  Of course he does.  We choose like-minded people as roommates; that is the best place to start.  Question the roommates for everything they can get; names of friends and relatives, co-workers, classmates, church members.  Check out the merchants where the bombers bought their supplies.  Latest news says they were throwing explosives as they fled this morning.  Whoever sold or provided these Muslims with these bombing supplies may have some notion of where he is hiding. 

I hope they take him alive.  After that, I hope they have the kahunas to, "Make him talk".  Send him to Guantanamo Bay and keep him on suicide watch.  Keep him from perusing his so called reward of seventy virgins.  

The news casters are pussy footing again.  They're saying the ethnicity of the bomber is irreverent.  Bull', Law enforcement needs to know who to look for the next time this happens.  Yes, the next time.  As Americans we won't put our collective feet down and call a spade a spade.  It is what it is and in the case of these bombings and terrorism it's Muslims.  It is relent.  If I'm looking for my keys I don't look in the fridge; I look in places my keys may be.  It's a waste of time to search the entire American population when the likely suspect fits a certain profile. 

As I listen to the news I'm hearing comflicting reports.  Earlier reports said the boys had been here legally for a year.  Now they're saying they'd been here since childhood.  They're still saying they're Muslims.  Will that change?  Depends who talks to the reporters and tells them what the slant will be.  By the time you read this there's no telling what the official news on this situation will be.

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