Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Time Marches On

Remember those cousins who were older than you but still young enough to be fun?  Remember when they hired a "Young" teacher?  Remember when retirement seemed a lifetime away?  I do.

Beazle is eighty-one years old.  She and her neighbor started sharing the newspaper when the price went up.  Mom and her neighbor go with each other to doctor's appointments.  The neighbor has gotten to the point that she decided not to cook anymore.  She uses her late husband's pension to buy take out.  I say good for her.

It's sad to hear when a favorite teacher passes away.  We mention nice things about them on FaceBook.  It doesn't sink in yet because these particular teachers were up in age back when we were in school. 

Beazle and my in-laws don't drive out of town anymore.  They make sure they get home before dark.  This is understandable because after all they are elderly. 

My cool cousins are thinking about retirement.  They're considering if they'll retire this year or next.  When did they get old enough to retire?  These same cousins said they don't like to drive after dark these days.  They say it's getting difficult.

One of my "Young" teachers found me on FaceBook a few days ago.  She said she retired two years ago.  What?  How can this lady be old enough to retire?

A school mate recently retired.  No, she hasn't reached retirement age.  But she has worked for the State for over twenty years.  She retired so she can stay home to care for her husband who has cancer.  People our age with over twenty years at one job.  People our age with serious health issure.  What.

Just the other day I was walking in my neighborhood when this guy pulls alongside me in his car.  He asked me if I needed a ride to the bus stop.  I declined because I didn't know him.  He said he is a nice, loving person and I remind him of his grandmother.  Yes, I'm old enough to have grand kids, (none yet),  little grand kids, but not grand kids old enough to drive.  

I'm still looking for the rewind button. 

I read a book talking about in the near future people will live for centuries or even forever.  The author discussed slowing the aging process or reversing it.  He was saying old people would live like vibrant fifty year olds.  How would it be?

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