Thursday, September 25, 2014

Online Scholarship Search Frustration

"Has anyone won a scholarship offered through Fastweb?"  I saw asked somewhere online.  I don't know but we went through the process.  We answered all their profile questions and VIOLA! seven pages of "matches" were found.  I was feeling elated.  By the time I finished looking at page seven I was feeling just pretty good.  Some of Andrea's "matches" we for graduate students, law students, students attending a particular school, employees of the XYZ company, or some other criteria not listed on her profile.  Now throw out the ones that say sighn up with us for a chance to win..., take a photo or make a video and get likes, and you're down to the ones that can be tried for.  Because I like to start early I found may sites with last years information still posted.  That is gradually changing.

I asked my oldest daughter if she knew of any good sites to check other than Fastweb.  She said Fastweb was the best one.  Doing more research made me a believer.  Google has many entries for scholarship searches; most of them crap.  Some send spam, others call you milliseconds after you click on the submit button for more information, and I even found one that wanted money; in this day and age.

How many of you have hear about scholarships for all kinds of weird categories?  Me too.   We must not be weird enough.  I thought surly I'd find scholarships that fit more of our strange categories in some way.  Where are the scholarships for children who lost a parent, children of left-handed, legally blind photographers, Children who volunteered in the Bishop's Storehouse but aren't attending BYU, children who are the go to person in the neighborhood when someone has some IKEA to be assembled, person who got all her points for parallel parking on the road test, drove across country five days after getting her license, last and definately least had five different hair colors in less than a year.  Tongue and cheek, sure, but they do advertize scholarships for odd ball things.  We only have homeschooled biracial student to help stand out in the crowd. 

Andrea will probably want to make mush out of me after the ACT.  Part of English time and Fridays will be devoted to a master essay.  When it is finished she can copy and paste the relevent parts into these scholarship applications we find on Fastweb. 

Please keep your eyes and ears open for scholarship offerings out there.  I hope we can make this happen. 

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